G |
G & W |
G & W Pipe Co.; ?, TX
Gabrieli Pipes |
Dan Chlebove; Bethlehem, PA.
Galehouse |
Joseph Galehouse; Wooster, OH
Gardner |
Russ Gardner; Las Vegas, NV
Garfinkel |
Washington, D.C.
Garlinghouse |
Frederick Garlinghouse (†); Carthage, TN. See Frederick G Pipes.
Garrison |
Brand produced by Whitehall
Gatlinburlier |
Brand of Tobacconist, The Gatlin-Burlier: Gatlinburg, TN
Gebbie |
Robert Gebbie; Vancouver, WA. See R.G. Freehand Pipes.
Genna |
Frank Genna; Woodbridge, NJ.
Georgetown |
Brand of Georgetown Tobacco; Washington, DC
Georgopulo |
G. A. Georgopulo; New York City.
Gerholt Industries |
Engineer; Romero, MI
Germaine |
Donald Kayne; Huntington, NY
Gerrard |
Gerrard Three-Way Pipe, made by E.E. Lushbaugh, Hagertown, MD
Geyer |
Harry Geyer, carver from the East Coast
Gilbert Henry Krisor or perhaps Krisor
Giardina |
Joe Giardina; Edwardsville, IL
Gibson |
Ralph T. Gibson (RTG); Newalla, OK. See Okie Pipes
Gilliam |
James Gilliam, an American pipe maker living in Germany
Gillmore |
Albuquerque, NM. Don Gillmore pipe maker, See Don Warren Pipes
Giotto |
brand by Tom Rakowski, known mostly for his tampers
Jerry Stachowiak; Buffalo, NY.
Glamp |
Andrew Glamp
Gloman Pipes |
Italian made. "Gloman Pipes are a good value for the price. Gloman pipes are known for their thick bowl walls and the "amber" ring between the stem and shank. Good everyday pipe."
Glyn |
Ca. 1970's.
GM Pipes |
Gregg M. Bloom; Reseda, CA.
Goff |
Larry D. Goff (LDG)
Gold |
Albert Gold (Lassen Pipe Shop); Wichita, KS.
Gold Coast |
Sub-brand of Pipes by Lee
Golden Bull |
??? ITALY, Need information, see also Racine & Laramie
Gordon Bilchik Pipes |
Mark Greene; Boise, ID. See Gordon Bilchik Custom Pipes.
Gracik |
Jeffrey Allen Gracik; Princeton, NJ. See J. Alan Pipes.
Gran Hill |
Made by Michael V. Kabik. Other spellings: Granhill, Gran-Hill. Some are also known as "Made in Denmark".
Gran Hill |
Lopes states it is also the brand of a Fargo Tobacconist, Lonnie Fay, who made freehands bearing this stamp in the 1970s
Grabow, Dr. |
see Dr. Grabow, M. Linkman & Co.; Chicago, IL
Gray Mountain Pipes |
Mark Gradberg; Kankakee, IL.
GRC Pipes |
GRC = Grace Rachel Christian. Pipemaker: Darius Eruch Dah (husband). Northampton, MA
Greenwich House |
Antique, Aged Algerian
Gregorio Briarfection |
Joseph M. Gregorio († 1985); Bronx, NY
Guild Pipes |
John Fordham; Melbourne, Fl.
Gustav Fischer |
Meerschaum artist; Born in Austria, he lived and worked in New York
H |
H&B |
Hirschl & Bendheim; Late 19th / early 20th century brand
HBS Pipes |
Burgess Shucker, Upstate, South Carolina. Handmade Cherry, Maple and briar pipes. See HBS Pipeworks.
H158 Value Pipes |
Italian made? "Made from nice briar and come with an even nicer price. Terrific value for the buck."
Hacker, Richard |
Richard Hacker, author and collector, also designed pipes for some makers
Hackert |
Jake Hackert; Lancaster, PA.
Hahn |
Rick Hahn; ?, CA.
Hale |
Rocky Hale; Mesa, AZ.
Hamburg |
Jack Hamburg Jr.; Joliet, IL. See Jack's Handmade Pipes.
Hamric |
Zack Hamric; Sarasota FL
Hamilton |
Anglo American brand made by Comoy's, and Kaufmann Bros. & Bondy (according to Who Made That Pipe)
Hamilton Lumber |
Made by L&H Stern (according to Who Made That Pipe)
Hamilton Pipe |
Made by Max Bressler (c.1940) (according to Who Made That Pipe)
Hampton |
Wade Hampton; Phoenix, AZ
Harrington Park |
North American brand sold by Hudson Universal Pipe Co.
Harmon |
Steve Harmon (†); Henderson, NC
| | | |
Hartstock |
Heyzer Hartstock, important pipemaker of Custom-Bilt.
Hasty, Alexander |
Alexander Pipes; Kansas City, KS
Haugan |
Rick Haugan. New carver?!
Hawk |
Tommy Hawk. See Chadwick.
Hayes |
John B. Hayes; Fairfax, VA. Shop pipes, various makers.
Hayes |
Robert E. Hayes; Southport, NC
Haywood |
Irving Haywood; ?, MD
Heatherby |
Kaufmann Bros. & Bondy; New York City.
Hedelson |
Glen Hedelson
Heidemann |
Gary Heidemann; Waterloo (Milwaukee), WI
C. P. Heininger & Company |
Charles Heininger; San Francisco, CA
Heisenberg Pipes |
Made by Jim Brown; Mooresville, North Carolina
Henry Leonard & Thomas Inc. |
HLT; Greensboro, NC
Henry |
Don Henry; Springfield, OH
Herbert |
Bob Herbert; Newark, NJ
Herbaugh Pipes |
Abe Herbaugh; Augusta, WV
Hercules |
brand by various companies
Heritage Pipes Inc. |
Subsidiary ofS.M. Frank; Peekskill, NY.
Heron De-Luxe |
William E. Heron; Detroit, MI
Herskovitz |
Sandor Herskovitz; Flushing, NY
Herzig |
Max Herzig, worked for Marxman
Hessian Guard |
William Demuth Company (WDC); New York City.
Hesson |
William Demuth Company (WDC); New York City.
Hesson Guard Milano |
William Demuth Company (WDC); New York City.
Hew Len Pipes |
Jaden Hew Len; Wai'anae, HI
Hialeah |
... "Algerian Briar"
Highlander |
Brand of Altamira Company
Hilex |
Brand of Hudson Universal Pipe Co.
Hildebrand |
Paul Hildebrand; Phoenix, AZ
Hinkle |
Joe Hinkle; Indianapolis, IN
Hirsch, Rudolph |
Rudolph Hirsch, first president of Kaywoodie
Hirshan |
Adam Hirshan; Intervale, NJ. See Bartlett Pipe Co. and Freedom Smoking Pipe.
His Nibs |
Sub brand of Custom-Bilt
H. Jones Easyloader |
Made by Parker for Tinderbox 1970-1980
Hoffman |
E. Hoffman
Holcomb |
Mack Holcomb; Hialeah, FL
Hollman Pipe Company |
Maker of Bowl Dry pipe, need informaion
Hollycourt |
M. Linkman & Co. (MLC); Chicago, IL
Hollyday Pipes Ltd. |
Charles Hollyday
Hollywood Briar |
David Hopper; Southeast Missouri.
Holy Smoke |
Rev. Raymond L. Rosa
Holey Smoke |
popular grand made by Tracy Mincer Pipe Co.
Honeybrook |
National Briar Pipe Co.; Jersey City, NJ.
Honeymaster |
Inexpensive brand of Mastercraft, possibly made in Italy
House of Robertson |
Thayne Robertson (1940-1999); Idaho
Howard |
Tom Howard
Howell |
Jack Howell; Pittsburgh, PA
Hoyt |
Robert R. Hoyt; St. Petersburg, FL
Hoyt |
Tom Hoyt; Tucson, AZ
Huber, David |
Durham, NC ; See DSH Pipes
Hudson Universal Pipe Co. |
Harry L. Hugunin, Manager of W.F. Ball "The Big Pipe Store"; Los Angeles, CA
Huhn |
Kurt Huhn; Warwick, RI
Hyaac |
Abraham Hyaac; Poland, OH
Hybrid Elephant |
Crudely made Churchwarden pipes in briar and exotic woods[1]
Hynick |
Tim Hynick; Boston, MA