American Pipe Brands & Makers C - D

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F-US.gif American Pipe Brands & Makers
A - B C - D E - F G - H I - K L - M N - Q R - S T - V W - Z
Calabresi Tomas Cristiano (†), Cristom Imports & Exports Inc.; Tampa, FL
Camelot ???
Capt. Earle Lopes states Hermit Tobacco had pipes made under this name for them by Ashton, and Sam Learned
Captain Black Lopes states Orlik had pipes by this name made as a compliment to Captain Black tobaccos
Cannoy Walt Cannoy; Lakeland, FL
Carburetor S.M. Frank & Co. Inc.; U.S. PAT. 2082106
Carey Magic Inch E.A. Carey's Smokeshop 7090 Whipple Ave N, North Canton, OH 44720; phone 800-992-7427, fax 330-244-9518 or E-mail:
Carl Weis Meerschaum Pipes New York, NY
Carlson, Steve Steve Carlson
Carmette Pipes‎ Adam Sheehan; Winona, Minnesota
Carroll Charles Carroll (†)
Joe Case Nashville, TN
Stefan Cashwell Atlanta, GA
Cassel Shannon Cassel; Tucson, AZ
Castro Pipes made by various third parties for David and Steve Casto of Davidus Cigars Ltd.
Cates Mel Cates; Springfield, MO
Catterall Pipes Van Catterall; Greensboro, NC
Cazzetta Dominic Cazzetta (†); New York City. See Don Lou.
Cellini Victory Pipe Craftsmen; Chicago, IL
Chadwick Tommy Hawk
Chadwick 11.jpg | Chadwick 10.jpg |
Chambers Brandon Chambers; Olympia, WA
Channber Channber Briar Pipe - CBP
John Chapman Need Information
Chesterfield Kaufmann Bros. & Bondy (KB&B); patented 1905.
Chheda Pipes Premal Chheda Smoker’s Haven; Columbus, OH
Chlebove Dan Chlebove; Bethlehem, PA. See Gabrieli Pipes.
CHP-X Created by Chuck Holiday and partner Jay Rostov; Baltimore, MD. See also Michael V. Kabik.
Christie Pipes Eric C. Christie; Waynesboro, PA
Cipolla Robert Cipolla
Clark Chris Clark; Toledo, OH
Clemons Greg Clemons; San Diego, CA
Clark Briar Originals Bob Clark; Warren R.I.
Clewell R.A. Clewell
Cochey Jason Cochey; Bellevue, OH., see Briar Bird Pipes
Cole Pipes Charles Cole
Coles, Jared Jared Coles; Fresno, CA
Collins Bill Collins, see Jost
Colossals M. Linkman & Co., Chicago, IL. Produced by Cellini, see also Colossals made in France.
Colossus Pipe Factory C.P.F. (New York, NY) - Formerly Known as Consolidated Pipe Factory
Colt brand by Civic Co. Ltd, and also in the US by Kaywoodie
Comeaux Larry E. Comeaux II; Memphis, TN
Connoisseur Connoisseur Pipe Shop; New York City. See also Edward Burak.
Consolidated Pipe Factory C.P.F. (New York, NY) - a subsidiary of Kaufmann Bros. & Bondy (KB&B)
Comer’s USA
Copley's Copley's Pipe and Tobacco, Los Angeles, CA, need information
Continental Briar Pipe Co. New York City
Conway Jr. C.E. Conway Jr.; Orlando, FL
Cook Russ Cook; Mount Pleasant, MI Russ Cook Pipes
Cook Tom Cook; Amarillo, TX
Cooke Charles Patrick Cooke (†); ?, CA
Cooke James T. Cooke; East Fairfield, VT
Copenhagen brand sold by Mastercraft, and in Denmark by Dan Pipe
Cortegiano Joseph Cortegiano (†); New York City
Correll Tom Correll - Peru, IN
Counsellor North American brand made in England by Comoy's
Court Glen Court; South Hadley, MA. See Royal Court Pipes.
Courtley Custom-Bilt sub-brand or second.
Cowen Louis Cowan, an artisan who produced for Marxman after working for Loewe & Co. in England
Crable Joseph Crable; Kealakekua, HI
Craig William D. Craig - Fireside Pipe Shop; Hurffville, NJ
Craig Buchanan Buchanan Tobacco Shop; Myrtle Beach, SC. Pipes made by various makers
Crawford Pipes Jerry Crawford; Grants Pass, Oregon
Creative Briar Pipes Al Perkowski; Sterling Heights, MI
Creator’s Design Pipes & Blades Dan and Amy Sanford; Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Crider, Micah Missoula, MT; see Yeti Pipe Co.
Crisman, Harry See also Big Casino Pipes; Sarver, Pa
Cristiano Tomas Cristiano (†), Cristom Imports & Exports Inc.; Tampa, FL
Crosby John M. Crosby; Lafayette, IN
Crosby Made by Savinelli and Rossi factories to Bing Crosby's own design:extra long shank with small perforations. Discontinued. Kaufmann Bros. & Bondy also made "Crosby" pipes. See also John Crosby, an U.S. pipemaker.
Crown Royalton Crown, see Henry Leonard & Thomas Inc.
Cunningham Ken Cunningham; pipemaker working for Salt Lake City tobacconist (1980s)
Curtis Draper brand of Washington DC tobacconist11
Curtz Arley G. Curtz; Salt Lake City, UT
Custom-Bilt Founded by Tracy Mincer (†); Indianapolis, IN. Since 1946 named "Custombilt".
Dagner Pipes Jayson Dagner, Florida
Dakota Pipes Serial pipes; ca. $40.
DANA 31 Metal body, wood bowl
Darby Darby Pipe Shop, founded by pipemaker, Royal Aten; Mattoon, IL
Davidson Adam Davidson; Little River, SC
Davidson, Jo Jo Davidson. "... the world's most famous pipe, sculpted by Joe Davidson, that is insured for $7,500..."
Davis Jody Davis; Yuma, AZ. See J. Davis Pipes.
Davis Rad Davis; Foley, AL
Dawes Pipe See The Lyon Pipe
DCS A Danish type, fancy styled freehand, see Souers, Denny...
DeFant Phil DeFant; Brooklyn, MI. See Marchetti Pipes.
DeJarnett Pipes Horace DeJarnett; Glendale, AZ
Delta Pipes Michael Fauscette; Discovery Bay, CA
Demuth William Demuth Company - WDC. New York City.
Dengler John Dengler; St. Charles, MO
Denny Souers Pipes Dennys Souers; Columbus, OH
DePrey James DePrey (†); Ft. Kent, ME
DeSchaine, Jim Jim DeSchaine; Auburn, CA
Diebel Fred Diebel; Kansas City, MO
Di Franco Charles Di Franco; Trenton, NJ
Dinwoodie Kaufmann Bros. & Bondy (KB&B). Introduced November 1919, discontinued till 1924
Dodge Robert Dodge, hobbyist pipe maker; Minnesota
Doodler Sub brand National Briar Pipe Co., Tracy Mincer; Jersey City, NJ
Doerr Diane Doerr. See also JHW Pipes; West Caldwell, NJ.
Domingues, Mark See Lone Star Briar Works; Houstin, TX
Don Warren Pipes Brand Name of maker Donald W Gillmore, Albuquerque, NM
Don-Lou Dominic Cazzetta (†); Brooklyn, NY.
Brian Doran West Virginia
Dr. Grabow M. Linkman & Co.; Chicago, IL
Dr. Kernel Dr. Jos. E. Kernel. US Pat. 2614568.
Dr. Mac Pipes Private label brand of McCranie's; Charlotte, NC.
Dr. Shotton's Need Information
Drinkless Brands of Kaufmann Bros. & Bondy, Kaywoodie, and Reiss-Premier Co.
DRS Supposed to be Danish, D.R. Schmelzer is obviously an American carver. | As it seems, with a fondness for Fan shapes
DRS 01.jpg | DRS 01b.jpg | DRS 01c.jpg
DSH Pipes David Huber; Durham, NC
Duleigh's of Hollywood Private label brand? Hollywood, CA.
Duke of Dundee Continental Briar Pipe Co.
Duncan Hill Brand made by Monarch Pipe
duPont Explosives duPont Explosives promotional pipes